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If you have JavaScript disabled with a plugin like NoScript, please disable that plugin and reload the page. If you trust us, you might find it convenient to enable JavaScript just for this domain.

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Welcome to Red Hat Impact

Welcome to Red Hat Impact

Here we will make it easier for you to find the perfect task and project for you to make a positive impact in the world.

Here we will make it easier for you to find the perfect task and project for you to make a positive impact in the world.

Where do you want to make an impact?

Where do you want to make an impact?

You can map your skills to a task below. By cause it will allow you to select your project based on your preferred cause and then pick a task. By code it will allow you to select a task based on your skills.

You can map your skills to a task below. By cause it will allow you to select your project based on your preferred cause and then pick a task. By code it will allow you to select a task based on your skills.

Would you like to make an impact in open science?

Would you like to make an impact in open science?



You can help uncover the planetary virome

You can help uncover the planetary virome

An open-science viral discovery platform that uses open source to quickly discover new species of viruses that will help us prepare for future pandemics

So you're a database wizard?

So you're a database wizard?

Come work with some big data.

Come work with some big data.



Can you help Serratus query virus data?

Can you help Serratus query virus data?



R/Shiny development of the R-SQL interface for querying Serratus genome data

R/Shiny development of the R-SQL interface for querying Serratus genome data

PostgreSQL Optimization

PostgreSQL Optimization

PostgreSQL server optimization on AWS

PostgreSQL server optimization on AWS

So you're a website genius?

So you're a website genius?

Come build a new website with Serratus.

Come build a new website with Serratus.



Can you help Serratus develop a website?

Can you help Serratus develop a website?

Genomic Data WebDev

Genomic Data WebDev

Website development of analysis / genomic data exploration tools

Website development of analysis / genomic data exploration tools

Genomic Data UX

Genomic Data UX

Usability evaluation, UX design of analysis, genomic data exploration tools

Usability evaluation, UX design of analysis, genomic data exploration tools

Container Optimization

Container Optimization

Bash optimization of the core serratus containers with good knowledge of AWS systems

Bash optimization of the core serratus containers with good knowledge of AWS systems

AWS Optimization

AWS Optimization

AWS stack dev / optimization

AWS stack dev / optimization

Dockerhub to Amazon

Dockerhub to Amazon

Migrate from Dockerhub to Amazon ECR for container images

Migrate from Dockerhub to Amazon ECR for container images

So you like to push all the buttons and break all the things?

So you like to push all the buttons and break all the things?

Are you more interested in something...

Are you more interested in something...

QA and Testing

QA and Testing

as they say, "if it's not tested, it's broken"

as they say, "if it's not tested, it's broken"

Evaluation of Serratus

Evaluation of Serratus

Functional evaluation of Serratus from a computational virology / viral annotation perspective

Functional evaluation of Serratus from a computational virology / viral annotation perspective

Data Classification

Data Classification

ML or high-dimensional data classification to distinguish false-positives vs true positives for viral presence

ML or high-dimensional data classification to distinguish false-positives vs true positives for viral presence

Would you like to make an impact in open education?

Would you like to make an impact in open education?



You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You will be helping Curriki’s project OpenLearnX, a community where educators, learners and organizations can build, share, and re-use open learning resources, and participate in open learning practices.

So you are ready to build some website content?

So you are ready to build some website content?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.

Website Content

Website Content

Can you help Curriki spread the word?

Can you help Curriki spread the word?

Website Content - Copy

Website Content - Copy

Copywriting - Can you write a compelling case for the open licensing of educational resources?

Copywriting - Can you write a compelling case for the open licensing of educational resources?

Website Blogs and Articles

Website Blogs and Articles

Copywriting - We need to explain and broadcast the mission, the value, and the rewards of OER.

Copywriting - We need to explain and broadcast the mission, the value, and the rewards of OER.

Website Instructional, Informational Videos

Website Instructional, Informational Videos

Videography - If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth? If this is your bag, we need you to enhance the project’s messaging!

Videography - If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth? If this is your bag, we need you to enhance the project’s messaging!

Website - Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Website - Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Copywriting - A site without solid terms is a site asking for trouble. But how do we make it simple, understandable and keep the open spirit within it?

Copywriting - A site without solid terms is a site asking for trouble. But how do we make it simple, understandable and keep the open spirit within it?

Website - Collateral Development

Website - Collateral Development

Publishing, Copywriting - Blurbs, articles, newsletters, ads? Can you help us spread the word?

Publishing, Copywriting - Blurbs, articles, newsletters, ads? Can you help us spread the word?

Website - Webmaster/CMS Management

Website - Webmaster/CMS Management

WordPress Webmaster - OPENLEARNX needs a home. We need a webmaster. Is that the (red) hat you want to wear?

WordPress Webmaster - OPENLEARNX needs a home. We need a webmaster. Is that the (red) hat you want to wear?

Build the Open Practices Academy Learning Modules

Build the Open Practices Academy Learning Modules

If you are a seasoned instructional technologist, a subject matter expert on open practices, or want to contribute and would like to learn how to turn passive instruction and presentations into ACTIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCES, you’ve found a home.

If you are a seasoned instructional technologist, a subject matter expert on open practices, or want to contribute and would like to learn how to turn passive instruction and presentations into ACTIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCES, you’ve found a home.

Help plan and execute the launch.

Help plan and execute the launch.

Steer the design, and get the word out!

Steer the design, and get the word out!



Great projects require great leadership

Great projects require great leadership

Product - Campaign/Editorial Calendar Development

Product - Campaign/Editorial Calendar Development

Marketing/Social Media/CRM

Marketing/Social Media/CRM

Product - Project Co-Manager

Product - Project Co-Manager

Agile/Scrum/Project Management

Agile/Scrum/Project Management

Product - Website Design/Information Architecture

Product - Website Design/Information Architecture

Ui/Ux/Design/Information Architecture

Ui/Ux/Design/Information Architecture

Product - Launch Planning

Product - Launch Planning

Product Management

Product Management

Product - Vision and Roadmap Refinement

Product - Vision and Roadmap Refinement

Product Management

Product Management

Product - User Feedback Loop Planning

Product - User Feedback Loop Planning

Product Management

Product Management

So you're a website genius?

So you're a website genius?

Come build a new website.

Come build a new website.



Can you help develop a website?

Can you help develop a website?

UI/UX Design - Resource Library

UI/UX Design - Resource Library

UI/UX Design - Work with the UI/UX team to help design and define the public experience of the repository.

UI/UX Design - Work with the UI/UX team to help design and define the public experience of the repository.

Resource Browsing API

Resource Browsing API

PHP/MySQL - Help extend the project’s API to allow browsing global learning resources.

PHP/MySQL - Help extend the project’s API to allow browsing global learning resources.

Elastic Stack Visualizations Design/Dev

Elastic Stack Visualizations Design/Dev

Elastic Stack/Kibana - Help analyze and build visualizations of search and log activity.

Elastic Stack/Kibana - Help analyze and build visualizations of search and log activity.

Notification Engine Design/Dev/Optimization

Notification Engine Design/Dev/Optimization

REDIS - Help advance the platform’s caching and message brokerage subsystems.

REDIS - Help advance the platform’s caching and message brokerage subsystems.

Browse Interface Implementation

Browse Interface Implementation

WordPress/Genesis - If front end development is your passion, this is your gig.

WordPress/Genesis - If front end development is your passion, this is your gig.

Search Interface Implementation

Search Interface Implementation

WordPress/Genesis - What’s a robust backend without an elegant front end?

WordPress/Genesis - What’s a robust backend without an elegant front end?

Event Streaming Optimization for xAPI events

Event Streaming Optimization for xAPI events

Apache Kafka - It’s all about speed and performance. And you know it.

Apache Kafka - It’s all about speed and performance. And you know it.

So you're a mobile application builder?

So you're a mobile application builder?

Come build a new mobile app.

Come build a new mobile app.

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

Can you help build a mobile application?

Can you help build a mobile application?

Standalone H5P implementation

Standalone H5P implementation

Apache Kafka - Cordova (Android & IoS) - Interesting project to run Ht\5P activities on a mobile device standalone.

Apache Kafka - Cordova (Android & IoS) - Interesting project to run Ht\5P activities on a mobile device standalone.

Web/Mobile app - UI/UX Design

Web/Mobile app - UI/UX Design



Mobile app - Learning Resource mobile delivery

Mobile app - Learning Resource mobile delivery



Web/Mobile app - Learning Resource acquisition

Web/Mobile app - Learning Resource acquisition



Mobile app - Mobile app - Learning Resource activity tracking

Mobile app - Mobile app - Learning Resource activity tracking



Mobile app - Learner activity sync

Mobile app - Learner activity sync



PHP/Drupal/jQuery - Learning Activity Development

PHP/Drupal/jQuery - Learning Activity Development

Drupal - Build a new simulation/learning experience using the H5P framework

Drupal - Build a new simulation/learning experience using the H5P framework

Reporting, Big data, Location Data.

Reporting, Big data, Location Data.

Predictive analysis, data mining, and more.

Predictive analysis, data mining, and more.



It's all about the data

It's all about the data

DB Optimization for content authoring

DB Optimization for content authoring

PostgreSQL DBA - Review and optimize physical and logical schema used for authoring

PostgreSQL DBA - Review and optimize physical and logical schema used for authoring

DB Optimization for xAPI experience API

DB Optimization for xAPI experience API

PostgreSQL DBA

PostgreSQL DBA

Conversion from MySQL to Postgres for Tsugi runtime

Conversion from MySQL to Postgres for Tsugi runtime





Let's deploy to OpenShift.

Let's deploy to OpenShift.

The Cloud

The Cloud

it's where the future lives

it's where the future lives

Deploy latest OpenShift on IBM Cloud

Deploy latest OpenShift on IBM Cloud

Kubernetes/OpenShift - Deploy OpenShift on the project’s IBM Cloud account.

Kubernetes/OpenShift - Deploy OpenShift on the project’s IBM Cloud account.

Build Quay, Docker Image Repository

Build Quay, Docker Image Repository

Docker/ - Build the docker containers and deploy to OpenShift

Docker/ - Build the docker containers and deploy to OpenShift

Definite and implement YAML files

Definite and implement YAML files

YAML configuration - Configure the deployment scripts for the platform containers

YAML configuration - Configure the deployment scripts for the platform containers

Define and implement support for elastic stack on IBM Cloud

Define and implement support for elastic stack on IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud infrastructure w/elastic search - Develop strategy to containerize and deploy elastic stack

IBM Cloud infrastructure w/elastic search - Develop strategy to containerize and deploy elastic stack

Define file system/driver support for IBM Cloud

Define file system/driver support for IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud infrastructure file systems - Select and deploy the appropriate file system(s)

IBM Cloud infrastructure file systems - Select and deploy the appropriate file system(s)

Define and Implement Postgres and MySQL support on IBM Cloud

Define and Implement Postgres and MySQL support on IBM Cloud

DB services on IBM Cloud infrastructure - Select and deploy Postgres service or build DB container

DB services on IBM Cloud infrastructure - Select and deploy Postgres service or build DB container

Implement monitoring tools Prometheus/Grafana

Implement monitoring tools Prometheus/Grafana

Prometheus/Grafana - Configure and deploy monitoring, reporting and visualization tools

Prometheus/Grafana - Configure and deploy monitoring, reporting and visualization tools

Implement support for MinIO

Implement support for MinIO

MinIO - Strategize, configure and deploy open S3 configuration

MinIO - Strategize, configure and deploy open S3 configuration

Implement Jenkins for CI/CD

Implement Jenkins for CI/CD

Jenkins - Develop CI/CD pipelines for the platform

Jenkins - Develop CI/CD pipelines for the platform

Implement Argo CD for deployment to k8s

Implement Argo CD for deployment to k8s

Argo CD

Argo CD

Implement Jaeger monitoring tools

Implement Jaeger monitoring tools



Implement Helm charts

Implement Helm charts



Penetration Monitoring and Testing

Penetration Monitoring and Testing



Disaster Recovery Planning

Disaster Recovery Planning

Backup & Recovery

Backup & Recovery

Would you like to make an impact in healthcare?

Would you like to make an impact in healthcare?

ChRIS Project

ChRIS Project

You can help bring open computing and medical imaging to the world

You can help bring open computing and medical imaging to the world

ChRIS reduces the barrier to cloud and distributed computing for researchers and developers. Re-use your existing code with minimal hassle and fuss or quickly create new apps.

So you are ready to deploy ChRIS with Kubernetes?

So you are ready to deploy ChRIS with Kubernetes?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Can you help The ChRIS Project improve Kubernetes deployment?

Can you help The ChRIS Project improve Kubernetes deployment?

Front-End Deployment

Front-End Deployment

Add support for ChRIS front end into the ChRIS Kubernetes deployment

Add support for ChRIS front end into the ChRIS Kubernetes deployment

Startup Order

Startup Order

Implement enforced startup ordering for ChRIS Kubernetes deployment

Implement enforced startup ordering for ChRIS Kubernetes deployment

So you are ready to build some website content?

So you are ready to build some website content?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Can you help The ChRIS Project build their website?

Can you help The ChRIS Project build their website?

Jekyll To Gatsby

Jekyll To Gatsby

Investigate converting from jekyll to gatsby

Investigate converting from jekyll to gatsby



Use CSS-in-JS from @patternfly/react-styles

Use CSS-in-JS from @patternfly/react-styles

Open Source Way 2 guidelines

Open Source Way 2 guidelines

Gap analysis - evaluate against Open Source Way 2.0 guidelines

Gap analysis - evaluate against Open Source Way 2.0 guidelines

Github References

Github References

Make GitHub references in ChRIS Store front end more general

Make GitHub references in ChRIS Store front end more general

500 Error

500 Error

Display a 500 error screen instead of a 404 when ChRIS Store backend returns a 500 error

Display a 500 error screen instead of a 404 when ChRIS Store backend returns a 500 error

Content and Plugins

Content and Plugins

Separate the promotional / front page content of the ChRIS store from the plugin directory / user

Separate the promotional / front page content of the ChRIS store from the plugin directory / user

Upload Docs

Upload Docs

Add README file upload support to ChRIS Store Backend

Add README file upload support to ChRIS Store Backend

File Server

File Server

Set up a static file server in the ChRIS Store Backend

Set up a static file server in the ChRIS Store Backend

Fetch Categories

Fetch Categories

Add a "Categories" object to the ChRIS Store Backend and allow them to be fetched

Add a "Categories" object to the ChRIS Store Backend and allow them to be fetched

Plugin Icon

Plugin Icon

Have the ChRIS Store backend serve a default icon for plugins

Have the ChRIS Store backend serve a default icon for plugins



Let's deploy to OpenShift.

Let's deploy to OpenShift.

The Cloud

The Cloud

it's where the future lives

it's where the future lives

Deploy Store to OpenShift

Deploy Store to OpenShift

Deploy the ChRIS Store to the MOC's OpenShift cluster

Deploy the ChRIS Store to the MOC's OpenShift cluster

Would you like to make an impact fighting climate change?

Would you like to make an impact fighting climate change?



You can help Planet 4,Greenpeace's website builder and digital engagement platform

You can help Planet 4,Greenpeace's website builder and digital engagement platform

Greenpeace’s Planet 4 powers digital platforms to engage with millions and win campaigns around the world to help fight climate change.

So you are ready to make accessible sites?

So you are ready to make accessible sites?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Can you help Greenpeace make their site more accessible?

Can you help Greenpeace make their site more accessible?

Ready to write some documentation?

Ready to write some documentation?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Keeping us informed.

Keeping us informed.

Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct

Match Code of Conduct with the Greenpeace International Code of Conduct

Match Code of Conduct with the Greenpeace International Code of Conduct

Design Elements

Design Elements

Harmonize Design elements in handbook with Design systems (Links)

Harmonize Design elements in handbook with Design systems (Links)



Align colors in the Handbook with Design System

Align colors in the Handbook with Design System



Define style of the notes/callouts in content pages

Define style of the notes/callouts in content pages

So you are ready to build some website content?

So you are ready to build some website content?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Can you help Greenpeace build their website?

Can you help Greenpeace build their website?

PHP 8 Job

PHP 8 Job

Add php-8.0 job to our repos CI

Add php-8.0 job to our repos CI

Make Watch Performance

Make Watch Performance

Running "make watch" causes bad performance of local

Running "make watch" causes bad performance of local

Be Right Back Page

Be Right Back Page

Help designing the "Be Right Back" page

Help designing the "Be Right Back" page

Tweet Share

Tweet Share

Upgrade "tweet share" to twitter standards

Upgrade "tweet share" to twitter standards

Author Image

Author Image

Add an author image to Posts

Add an author image to Posts

Prevent PNG Photos

Prevent PNG Photos

Prevent using PNG images for photographs

Prevent using PNG images for photographs

Spreadsheet Block Indicators

Spreadsheet Block Indicators

Spreadsheet block - indicators are not present

Spreadsheet block - indicators are not present

Search Button Icons

Search Button Icons

PDF link/button icons not showing in later shown search results

PDF link/button icons not showing in later shown search results

Import Export

Import Export

Make import/export functionality work for all post types

Make import/export functionality work for all post types

Spreadsheet Clickable Links

Spreadsheet Clickable Links

Support clickable links in Spreadsheet block

Support clickable links in Spreadsheet block

Disable Archive Sync

Disable Archive Sync

Disable sync of archived posts to ElasticSearch if archived posts are never included in search

Disable sync of archived posts to ElasticSearch if archived posts are never included in search

Filter Options

Filter Options

Add more filter options to Posts Report

Add more filter options to Posts Report

Non P4 URLs

Non P4 URLs

Allow a list of non-P4 urls not to have the icon

Allow a list of non-P4 urls not to have the icon

Search Page

Search Page

Investigate implementing the Search page in React

Investigate implementing the Search page in React

The Code

The Code

So you're a database wizard?

So you're a database wizard?

Come work with some big data.

Come work with some big data.



Can you help query virus data?

Can you help query virus data?

Would you like to make an impact in open science?

Would you like to make an impact in open science?



You can help uncover the planetary virome

You can help uncover the planetary virome

An open-science viral discovery platform that uses open source to quickly discover new species of viruses that will help us prepare for future pandemics



R/Shiny development of the R-SQL interface for querying Serratus genome data

R/Shiny development of the R-SQL interface for querying Serratus genome data

PostgreSQL Optimization

PostgreSQL Optimization

PostgreSQL server optimization on AWS

PostgreSQL server optimization on AWS

Would you like to make an impact in open education?

Would you like to make an impact in open education?



You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You will be helping Curriki’s project OpenLearnX, a community where educators, learners and organizations can build, share, and re-use open learning resources, and participate in open learning practices.

DB Optimization for content authoring

DB Optimization for content authoring

PostgreSQL DBA - Review and optimize physical and logical schema used for authoring

PostgreSQL DBA - Review and optimize physical and logical schema used for authoring

DB Optimization for xAPI experience API

DB Optimization for xAPI experience API

PostgreSQL DBA

PostgreSQL DBA

Conversion from MySQL to Postgres for Tsugi runtime

Conversion from MySQL to Postgres for Tsugi runtime



So you're a website genius?

So you're a website genius?

Come build a new website.

Come build a new website.



Can you help develop a website?

Can you help develop a website?

Would you like to make an impact in open science?

Would you like to make an impact in open science?



You can help uncover the planetary virome

You can help uncover the planetary virome

An open-science viral discovery platform that uses open source to quickly discover new species of viruses that will help us prepare for future pandemics

Genomic Data WebDev

Genomic Data WebDev

Website development of analysis / genomic data exploration tools

Website development of analysis / genomic data exploration tools

Genomic Data UX

Genomic Data UX

Usability evaluation, UX design of analysis, genomic data exploration tools

Usability evaluation, UX design of analysis, genomic data exploration tools

Container Optimization

Container Optimization

Bash optimization of the core serratus containers with good knowledge of AWS systems

Bash optimization of the core serratus containers with good knowledge of AWS systems

AWS Optimization

AWS Optimization

AWS stack dev / optimization

AWS stack dev / optimization

Dockerhub to Amazon

Dockerhub to Amazon

Migrate from Dockerhub to Amazon ECR for container images

Migrate from Dockerhub to Amazon ECR for container images

Would you like to make an impact in open education?

Would you like to make an impact in open education?



You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You will be helping Curriki’s project OpenLearnX, a community where educators, learners and organizations can build, share, and re-use open learning resources, and participate in open learning practices.

UI/UX Design - Resource Library

UI/UX Design - Resource Library

UI/UX Design - Work with the UI/UX team to help design and define the public experience of the repository.

UI/UX Design - Work with the UI/UX team to help design and define the public experience of the repository.

Resource Browsing API

Resource Browsing API

PHP/MySQL - Help extend the project’s API to allow browsing global learning resources.

PHP/MySQL - Help extend the project’s API to allow browsing global learning resources.

Elastic Stack Visualizations Design/Dev

Elastic Stack Visualizations Design/Dev

Elastic Stack/Kibana - Help analyze and build visualizations of search and log activity.

Elastic Stack/Kibana - Help analyze and build visualizations of search and log activity.

Notification Engine Design/Dev/Optimization

Notification Engine Design/Dev/Optimization

REDIS - Help advance the platform’s caching and message brokerage subsystems.

REDIS - Help advance the platform’s caching and message brokerage subsystems.

Browse Interface Implementation

Browse Interface Implementation

WordPress/Genesis - If front end development is your passion, this is your gig.

WordPress/Genesis - If front end development is your passion, this is your gig.

Search Interface Implementation

Search Interface Implementation

WordPress/Genesis - What’s a robust backend without an elegant front end?

WordPress/Genesis - What’s a robust backend without an elegant front end?

Event Streaming Optimization for xAPI events

Event Streaming Optimization for xAPI events

Apache Kafka - It’s all about speed and performance. And you know it.

Apache Kafka - It’s all about speed and performance. And you know it.

Would you like to make an impact in healthcare?

Would you like to make an impact in healthcare?

ChRIS Project

ChRIS Project

You can help bring open computing and medical imaging to the world

You can help bring open computing and medical imaging to the world

ChRIS reduces the barrier to cloud and distributed computing for researchers and developers. Re-use your existing code with minimal hassle and fuss or quickly create new apps.

Jekyll To Gatsby

Jekyll To Gatsby

Investigate converting from jekyll to gatsby

Investigate converting from jekyll to gatsby



Use CSS-in-JS from @patternfly/react-styles

Use CSS-in-JS from @patternfly/react-styles

Open Source Way 2 guidelines

Open Source Way 2 guidelines

Gap analysis - evaluate against Open Source Way 2.0 guidelines

Gap analysis - evaluate against Open Source Way 2.0 guidelines

Github References

Github References

Make GitHub references in ChRIS Store front end more general

Make GitHub references in ChRIS Store front end more general

500 Error

500 Error

Display a 500 error screen instead of a 404 when ChRIS Store backend returns a 500 error

Display a 500 error screen instead of a 404 when ChRIS Store backend returns a 500 error

Content and Plugins

Content and Plugins

Separate the promotional / front page content of the ChRIS store from the plugin directory / user

Separate the promotional / front page content of the ChRIS store from the plugin directory / user

Upload Docs

Upload Docs

Add README file upload support to ChRIS Store Backend

Add README file upload support to ChRIS Store Backend

File Server

File Server

Set up a static file server in the ChRIS Store Backend

Set up a static file server in the ChRIS Store Backend

Fetch Categories

Fetch Categories

Add a "Categories" object to the ChRIS Store Backend and allow them to be fetched

Add a "Categories" object to the ChRIS Store Backend and allow them to be fetched

Plugin Icon

Plugin Icon

Have the ChRIS Store backend serve a default icon for plugins

Have the ChRIS Store backend serve a default icon for plugins

Would you like to make an impact fighting climate change?

Would you like to make an impact fighting climate change?



You can help Planet 4,Greenpeace's website builder and digital engagement platform

You can help Planet 4,Greenpeace's website builder and digital engagement platform

Greenpeace’s Planet 4 powers digital platforms to engage with millions and win campaigns around the world to help fight climate change.

PHP 8 Job

PHP 8 Job

Add php-8.0 job to our repos CI

Add php-8.0 job to our repos CI

Make Watch Performance

Make Watch Performance

Running "make watch" causes bad performance of local

Running "make watch" causes bad performance of local

Be Right Back Page

Be Right Back Page

Help designing the "Be Right Back" page

Help designing the "Be Right Back" page

Tweet Share

Tweet Share

Upgrade "tweet share" to twitter standards

Upgrade "tweet share" to twitter standards

Author Image

Author Image

Add an author image to Posts

Add an author image to Posts

Prevent PNG Photos

Prevent PNG Photos

Prevent using PNG images for photographs

Prevent using PNG images for photographs

Spreadsheet Block Indicators

Spreadsheet Block Indicators

Spreadsheet block - indicators are not present

Spreadsheet block - indicators are not present

Search Button Icons

Search Button Icons

PDF link/button icons not showing in later shown search results

PDF link/button icons not showing in later shown search results

Import Export

Import Export

Make import/export functionality work for all post types

Make import/export functionality work for all post types

Spreadsheet Clickable Links

Spreadsheet Clickable Links

Support clickable links in Spreadsheet block

Support clickable links in Spreadsheet block

Disable Archive Sync

Disable Archive Sync

Disable sync of archived posts to ElasticSearch if archived posts are never included in search

Disable sync of archived posts to ElasticSearch if archived posts are never included in search

Filter Options

Filter Options

Add more filter options to Posts Report

Add more filter options to Posts Report

Non P4 URLs

Non P4 URLs

Allow a list of non-P4 urls not to have the icon

Allow a list of non-P4 urls not to have the icon

Search Page

Search Page

Investigate implementing the Search page in React

Investigate implementing the Search page in React

So you're a mobile application builder?

So you're a mobile application builder?

Come build a new mobile app.

Come build a new mobile app.

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

Can you help build a mobile application?

Can you help build a mobile application?

Would you like to make an impact in open education?

Would you like to make an impact in open education?



You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You will be helping Curriki’s project OpenLearnX, a community where educators, learners and organizations can build, share, and re-use open learning resources, and participate in open learning practices.

Standalone H5P implementation

Standalone H5P implementation

Apache Kafka - Cordova (Android & IoS) - Interesting project to run Ht\5P activities on a mobile device standalone.

Apache Kafka - Cordova (Android & IoS) - Interesting project to run Ht\5P activities on a mobile device standalone.

Web/Mobile app - UI/UX Design

Web/Mobile app - UI/UX Design



Mobile app - Learning Resource mobile delivery

Mobile app - Learning Resource mobile delivery



Web/Mobile app - Learning Resource acquisition

Web/Mobile app - Learning Resource acquisition



Mobile app - Mobile app - Learning Resource activity tracking

Mobile app - Mobile app - Learning Resource activity tracking



Mobile app - Learner activity sync

Mobile app - Learner activity sync



PHP/Drupal/jQuery - Learning Activity Development

PHP/Drupal/jQuery - Learning Activity Development

Drupal - Build a new simulation/learning experience using the H5P framework

Drupal - Build a new simulation/learning experience using the H5P framework

So you like to push all the buttons and break all the things?

So you like to push all the buttons and break all the things?

Are you more interested in something...

Are you more interested in something...

QA and Testing

QA and Testing

as they say, "if it's not tested, it's broken"

as they say, "if it's not tested, it's broken"

Would you like to make an impact in open science?

Would you like to make an impact in open science?



You can help uncover the planetary virome

You can help uncover the planetary virome

An open-science viral discovery platform that uses open source to quickly discover new species of viruses that will help us prepare for future pandemics

Evaluation of Serratus

Evaluation of Serratus

Functional evaluation of Serratus from a computational virology / viral annotation perspective

Functional evaluation of Serratus from a computational virology / viral annotation perspective

Data Classification

Data Classification

ML or high-dimensional data classification to distinguish false-positives vs true positives for viral presence

ML or high-dimensional data classification to distinguish false-positives vs true positives for viral presence

So you are ready to deploy with Kubernetes?

So you are ready to deploy with Kubernetes?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Can you help improve Kubernetes deployment?

Can you help improve Kubernetes deployment?

Would you like to make an impact in healthcare?

Would you like to make an impact in healthcare?

ChRIS Project

ChRIS Project

You can help bring open computing and medical imaging to the world

You can help bring open computing and medical imaging to the world

ChRIS reduces the barrier to cloud and distributed computing for researchers and developers. Re-use your existing code with minimal hassle and fuss or quickly create new apps.

Front-End Deployment

Front-End Deployment

Add support for ChRIS front end into the ChRIS Kubernetes deployment

Add support for ChRIS front end into the ChRIS Kubernetes deployment

Startup Order

Startup Order

Implement enforced startup ordering for ChRIS Kubernetes deployment

Implement enforced startup ordering for ChRIS Kubernetes deployment



Let's deploy to OpenShift.

Let's deploy to OpenShift.

The Cloud

The Cloud

it's where the future lives

it's where the future lives

Would you like to make an impact in open education?

Would you like to make an impact in open education?



You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You will be helping Curriki’s project OpenLearnX, a community where educators, learners and organizations can build, share, and re-use open learning resources, and participate in open learning practices.

Deploy latest OpenShift on IBM Cloud

Deploy latest OpenShift on IBM Cloud

Kubernetes/OpenShift - Deploy OpenShift on the project’s IBM Cloud account.

Kubernetes/OpenShift - Deploy OpenShift on the project’s IBM Cloud account.

Build Quay, Docker Image Repository

Build Quay, Docker Image Repository

Docker/ - Build the docker containers and deploy to OpenShift

Docker/ - Build the docker containers and deploy to OpenShift

Definite and implement YAML files

Definite and implement YAML files

YAML configuration - Configure the deployment scripts for the platform containers

YAML configuration - Configure the deployment scripts for the platform containers

Define and implement support for elastic stack on IBM Cloud

Define and implement support for elastic stack on IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud infrastructure w/elastic search - Develop strategy to containerize and deploy elastic stack

IBM Cloud infrastructure w/elastic search - Develop strategy to containerize and deploy elastic stack

Define file system/driver support for IBM Cloud

Define file system/driver support for IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud infrastructure file systems - Select and deploy the appropriate file system(s)

IBM Cloud infrastructure file systems - Select and deploy the appropriate file system(s)

Define and Implement Postgres and MySQL support on IBM Cloud

Define and Implement Postgres and MySQL support on IBM Cloud

DB services on IBM Cloud infrastructure - Select and deploy Postgres service or build DB container

DB services on IBM Cloud infrastructure - Select and deploy Postgres service or build DB container

Implement monitoring tools Prometheus/Grafana

Implement monitoring tools Prometheus/Grafana

Prometheus/Grafana - Configure and deploy monitoring, reporting and visualization tools

Prometheus/Grafana - Configure and deploy monitoring, reporting and visualization tools

Implement support for MinIO

Implement support for MinIO

MinIO - Strategize, configure and deploy open S3 configuration

MinIO - Strategize, configure and deploy open S3 configuration

Implement Jenkins for CI/CD

Implement Jenkins for CI/CD

Jenkins - Develop CI/CD pipelines for the platform

Jenkins - Develop CI/CD pipelines for the platform

Implement Argo CD for deployment to k8s

Implement Argo CD for deployment to k8s

Argo CD

Argo CD

Implement Jaeger monitoring tools

Implement Jaeger monitoring tools



Implement Helm charts

Implement Helm charts



Penetration Monitoring and Testing

Penetration Monitoring and Testing



Disaster Recovery Planning

Disaster Recovery Planning

Backup & Recovery

Backup & Recovery

Would you like to make an impact in healthcare?

Would you like to make an impact in healthcare?

ChRIS Project

ChRIS Project

You can help bring open computing and medical imaging to the world

You can help bring open computing and medical imaging to the world

ChRIS reduces the barrier to cloud and distributed computing for researchers and developers. Re-use your existing code with minimal hassle and fuss or quickly create new apps.

Deploy Store to OpenShift

Deploy Store to OpenShift

Deploy the ChRIS Store to the MOC's OpenShift cluster

Deploy the ChRIS Store to the MOC's OpenShift cluster

So you are ready to make accessible sites?

So you are ready to make accessible sites?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Can you help Greenpeace make their site more accessible?

Can you help Greenpeace make their site more accessible?

Would you like to make an impact fighting climate change?

Would you like to make an impact fighting climate change?



You can help Planet 4,Greenpeace's website builder and digital engagement platform

You can help Planet 4,Greenpeace's website builder and digital engagement platform

Greenpeace’s Planet 4 powers digital platforms to engage with millions and win campaigns around the world to help fight climate change.

So you are ready to make accessible sites?

So you are ready to make accessible sites?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Can you help Greenpeace make their site more accessible?

Can you help Greenpeace make their site more accessible?

Ready to write some documentation?

Ready to write some documentation?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Keeping us informed.

Keeping us informed.

Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct

Match Code of Conduct with the Greenpeace International Code of Conduct

Match Code of Conduct with the Greenpeace International Code of Conduct

Design Elements

Design Elements

Harmonize Design elements in handbook with Design systems (Links)

Harmonize Design elements in handbook with Design systems (Links)



Align colors in the Handbook with Design System

Align colors in the Handbook with Design System



Define style of the notes/callouts in content pages

Define style of the notes/callouts in content pages

So you are ready to build some website content?

So you are ready to build some website content?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Can you help Greenpeace build their website?

Can you help Greenpeace build their website?

PHP 8 Job

PHP 8 Job

Add php-8.0 job to our repos CI

Add php-8.0 job to our repos CI

Make Watch Performance

Make Watch Performance

Running "make watch" causes bad performance of local

Running "make watch" causes bad performance of local

Be Right Back Page

Be Right Back Page

Help designing the "Be Right Back" page

Help designing the "Be Right Back" page

Tweet Share

Tweet Share

Upgrade "tweet share" to twitter standards

Upgrade "tweet share" to twitter standards

Author Image

Author Image

Add an author image to Posts

Add an author image to Posts

Prevent PNG Photos

Prevent PNG Photos

Prevent using PNG images for photographs

Prevent using PNG images for photographs

Spreadsheet Block Indicators

Spreadsheet Block Indicators

Spreadsheet block - indicators are not present

Spreadsheet block - indicators are not present

Search Button Icons

Search Button Icons

PDF link/button icons not showing in later shown search results

PDF link/button icons not showing in later shown search results

Import Export

Import Export

Make import/export functionality work for all post types

Make import/export functionality work for all post types

Spreadsheet Clickable Links

Spreadsheet Clickable Links

Support clickable links in Spreadsheet block

Support clickable links in Spreadsheet block

Disable Archive Sync

Disable Archive Sync

Disable sync of archived posts to ElasticSearch if archived posts are never included in search

Disable sync of archived posts to ElasticSearch if archived posts are never included in search

Filter Options

Filter Options

Add more filter options to Posts Report

Add more filter options to Posts Report

Non P4 URLs

Non P4 URLs

Allow a list of non-P4 urls not to have the icon

Allow a list of non-P4 urls not to have the icon

Search Page

Search Page

Investigate implementing the Search page in React

Investigate implementing the Search page in React

Ready to write some documentation?

Ready to write some documentation?

Let's find where to get started.

Let's find where to get started.



Keeping us informed.

Keeping us informed.

Would you like to make an impact fighting climate change?

Would you like to make an impact fighting climate change?



You can help Planet 4,Greenpeace's website builder and digital engagement platform

You can help Planet 4,Greenpeace's website builder and digital engagement platform

Greenpeace’s Planet 4 powers digital platforms to engage with millions and win campaigns around the world to help fight climate change.

Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct

Match Code of Conduct with the Greenpeace International Code of Conduct

Match Code of Conduct with the Greenpeace International Code of Conduct

Design Elements

Design Elements

Harmonize Design elements in handbook with Design systems (Links)

Harmonize Design elements in handbook with Design systems (Links)



Align colors in the Handbook with Design System

Align colors in the Handbook with Design System



Define style of the notes/callouts in content pages

Define style of the notes/callouts in content pages

Help plan and execute the launch.

Help plan and execute the launch.

Steer the design, and get the word out!

Steer the design, and get the word out!



Great projects require great leadership

Great projects require great leadership

Would you like to make an impact in open education?

Would you like to make an impact in open education?



You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You can help bridge the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

You will be helping Curriki’s project OpenLearnX, a community where educators, learners and organizations can build, share, and re-use open learning resources, and participate in open learning practices.

Product - Campaign/Editorial Calendar Development

Product - Campaign/Editorial Calendar Development

Marketing/Social Media/CRM

Marketing/Social Media/CRM

Product - Project Co-Manager

Product - Project Co-Manager

Agile/Scrum/Project Management

Agile/Scrum/Project Management

Product - Website Design/Information Architecture

Product - Website Design/Information Architecture

Ui/Ux/Design/Information Architecture

Ui/Ux/Design/Information Architecture

Product - Launch Planning

Product - Launch Planning

Product Management

Product Management

Product - Vision and Roadmap Refinement

Product - Vision and Roadmap Refinement

Product Management

Product Management

Product - User Feedback Loop Planning

Product - User Feedback Loop Planning

Product Management

Product Management



See the contributors making an impact

See the contributors making an impact

Contributors making an impact in open education

Contributors making an impact in open education



Bridging the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

Bridging the gap in virtual quality education tools and content

Helping Curriki’s project OpenLearnX, a community where educators, learners and organizations can build, share, and re-use open learning resources, and participate in open learning practices.

Dheeraj making an impact in open education

Dheeraj making an impact in open education

Resource Index Design/Dev/Optimization

Resource Index Design/Dev/Optimization

Java/SOLR Help optimize and develop routines to index and search the global learning repository.

Java/SOLR Help optimize and develop routines to index and search the global learning repository.

Christopher making an impact in open education

Christopher making an impact in open education

Resource Search API

Resource Search API

Java/SOLR/Elastic Help extend the project’s API to connect to the elastic search engine and enable discovery within the learning repository.

Java/SOLR/Elastic Help extend the project’s API to connect to the elastic search engine and enable discovery within the learning repository.

Generated by asknot-ng, written by Alexandra Machado, Máirín Duffy, Ralph Bean, Christopher Tate and others. Inspired by the original. Change Language